Two people who set out to make their dream come true...

Well, that's what we did. With incredible organisation, strong will, even greater hope and the great help of unique friends and family, we bought this beautiful rustic agriturismo Casa Bivignano in Tuscany in 2007 and moved with our horses Diego & Gazelle from Allschwil (CH) to Italy in early 2008. A huge step when you consider that Italy is so close but - in everything - incredibly different from Switzerland....

What we bring to the table

Stephan is a trained confectioner and holds the innkeeper's licence. He also has many years of experience as a plumber and is an enthusiastic craftsman. Patricia worked in a commercial capacity for many years and together we indulged in countless hobbies (including western riding, cooking and the Basel carnival) until we finally found our paradise.

Agriturismo Casa Bivignano is a small guest farm with 20 hectares of land in the middle of the Tuscan hills. We work hard but with an incredible amount of joy for ourselves and the nice guests we have already had the pleasure of looking after in Bivignano. If you love nature and tranquillity, but still don't want to miss out on a warm and friendly atmosphere, if you like animals and don't get restless when the next village is 6 km away, if you enjoy culinary delights and are fascinated by medieval towns, then you've come to the right place.

Since our arrival in Bivignano, we have rebuilt, added on, expanded, cleared and been busy as bees. There is no sign of boredom, there is a lot to do in the next 20 years! And, of course, the animals play a big role with us:

The handsome tiger cat Zorro and the cute foundling kitten Annie enjoy their life with us and wrap the guests around their finger with ease. Our foundling Billy Ray feels very comfortable here, he loves to cuddle with the guests and to be stroked for hours. Casanova has also been a guest with us for a few years now, and has become an integral part of the Bivignano family.


For 15 years Lucy faithfully accompanied us on all our rides. Now this friendly dog lady with her unbelievable energy and huge heart has left our world, but in our thoughts she still looks after the farm and watches over us from above.

In the meantime, two galloping four-legged friends have become 22 neighing friends! After Diego and Gazelle came the smart grey mare Rosie and then the proud, sure-footed gauchos from Uruguay and Argentina, which not only make the hearts of our horse ladies beat faster. Our three bright and highly intelligent mules Mathilda, Mey & Jango are even quite a bit ahead of our horses, mule's word of honour! We were able to find new homes for some of our Criollos / Mestizos abroad, and of course we will never forget each and every one of them.

We are proud and happy to be able to give such unique horses a beautiful home in the midst of beautiful nature... and to give our guests unforgettable hours on horseback.

All horses / mules are well trained and extremely sure-footed, the calmer horses are especially suitable for those who have little or no experience. A ride under expert guidance is a highlight for every squaw and all city cowboys. For more experienced riders we of course offer longer rides and treks. The guests are enthusiastic, even Steffi's dad dared to get on a horse at the age of 75 and went on a 2-hour ride with his left hand (voluntarily, of course...). Even 84-year-old Jack rode with us for many years, big compliments to the two- and four-legged friends!


is one of our great passions. We collect the recipes of our neighbours (first and foremost Nonna Vera), spy in Umbrian and Tuscan kitchens and benefit from wonderfully fresh ingredients, a pinch of home and our experience.

To come as a guest and leave as a friend - that is what we wish from the bottom of our hearts.

We look forward to seeing you!

Patricia & Stephan Wanner-Odermatt + all meowing, neighing and barking companions